2008年5月27日 星期二

English Introduction

The Department of Sculpture


The Department of Sculpture is the only program specialized in sculpture arts at all universities and colleges in the country. Founded almost 40 years ago, the Department has trained more than 700 professionals and became the main force of today's sculpture arts. There are four stages in its development:


Stage1:Established at National Taiwan Academy of Arts in 1962, the Fine Arts Course was divided into three sections, Chinese Painting, Western Painting, and Sculpture, for students in five-year program only.

Stage2:The Sculpture Course was permitted to set up individually.

Stage3:The Academy was upgraded to a college in 1994. Therefore, the Sculpture Course was transformed into a department as well.

Stage4:The College was upgraded to "National Taiwan University of Arts" on 1. August 2001 and the Sculpture Department was subordinate to college of Fine Arts.


Teaching Objective

The major objective of the curriculum is to realize the cultural specialties and to train the modern artistic creators. This curriculum is divided into academic and practical courses. Academic courses are divided into art history and theoretical courses. Practical courses are divided into basic training courses, specialized skills courses, and supplementary courses.

The first-and second-year curriculum consists of basic education that seeks to instill correct concepts through balanced emphasis on fundamental skills and theory. The third- and fourth- year curriculum consists of development education that seeks to cultivate independent creative ability through balanced emphasis on creative training and encouragement of thinking.

During the third-and fourth-year students may opt to take specialized elective courses in four subject areas of modeling, woodcarving, stone carving, and metalworking.


With the ideal of “passing on tradition and pursuing contemporary artistic creation,” the courses may be classified as follow:

A. Basic Training Courses

The goal of these courses is to train students in basic carving and plastic arts skills and give them basic exposure to arts. Courses include: Drawing, Basic Modeling, Modeling I, Stone Carving I, Woodcarving I, Metal Molding I, History of Arts, Essay of Art, Formative Theory.

B. Specialized Development Courses

The goal of courses is to instill professional creative ability in accordance with students’ interests. Depending on the types of materials used, courses include: Modeling, Stone carving, Woodcarving and Western Sculpture and other academic courses are also included in this category.

C. Electives

The goal of these courses id to assist and strengthen professional training in academic and technical aspects. Courses include: Figurative Drawing, Relief Study, Ceramics Sculpture, Mental Casting, Mix Media, Theory of Contemporary Art, and Folk Art.

D. Elective Courses from Other Departments

E. The students whose grades reach the required standards

May submit their applications of studying supplementary department and double majors.


The following is a breakdown of instructors in this department.

A. Full Time

Three Professors, one Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, four Lectures and one Teaching Assistant.

B. Part-Time instructors

Five Lectures.

C. Academic Attainments of full time instructors

One person with Ph.D. Degree, eight with Master degree, one with Bachelor degree. Facilities

The sculpture building set up in 1983 is very well equipped in spaces as well as installation, and also well designed for future changes. There are six types of educational facilities in this building:

A. Sculpture

Four dedicated sculpture classrooms-A bust sculpture revolving stage, and a model revolving stage.

B. Woodcarving

One dedicated sculpture classroom- One dedicated classroom: Board cutting machine, band saw, planning machine, beveling machine, wood lathe, portable chain saw, drill press.

C. Stone Carving

Outdoor stone carving studio area: Stone cutter, sand blaster, air compressor, crane, high-power drill press, portable electrical and pneumatic drill, files , chisels and cantilever drilling.

D. Metal Molding

One dedicated sculpture classroom-Corner bending machine, pipe bending machine, argon welder, electric arc cutter, electric welder, sheet metal cutter, shearing machine, oxyacetylene torch, carbon dioxide welder, metal band saw, ball rolling machine.

E. Ceramics

One dedicated sculpture classroom-Vacuum clay refining machine, electric kiln, glaze application machine, ceramic board machine, and glaze polishing machine.

F. Sketching

One dedicated sculpture classroom-Plaster statues, easels, projection lamp, and revolving stage for models.

G. Multi-Media Accersory

One fully equipped multi-media room.

H. Meeting Places

One Convention room.


To recruit a total of 34 students, there are two ways of recruiting:

A. Distribution through Examination

The “Multi-Entrance to University Program B” is adopted.

B. Recommendation, Selection & Application

Vision & Future Development

The coexistence of academic and practical courses, and the responsibilities of social service as well as promotion of the sense of arts are the objective of university education. In addition to collect more international information, the department will also engage more excellent instructors and international professors to demonstrate and teach here. At the same time, it is hoped that student can discover the most suitable creative methods and styles through working with different materials, techniques, and manners of expression.